
Showing posts from June, 2010


NONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2-1............. So sad but still PROUD with Korea republic......... you guys didn't give up and try your best until the end...... well done,Korea. i love football . :)


What's love? some may say,love is blind / love is hurts / love is a happiness. according to dictionary love is a strong feeling of  fondness for another people. but then how can we definitely how much i love her/his. many people get confusing about love,but other may say no,i 'm clearly know what's love going on. love contain concern,responsible,lie,doubt,trusty and promise. *Love is blind. i agree of this definition,because i realized. many thing can done by humans who are falling in love........ the reason is because she/he nid to achieve the goal,because she//he love her/his..... so he/she done a foolish thing that we didn't understood.  yee said humans being huamns..that's right.i relized what she said. everyone are selfish,because of the goal that we nid,we can do every 'amazing' thing. even if a child,they also'll lie because they need to achieve their goal,such like they lie because need to avoid scolding of parents. *Love is hurts.....


十秒钟,认识了他。 十分钟,爱上了他。 十年内,忘记了他。 爱的太深,等于把自己的头埋进谷里。 就算埋得再深…… 总有一天自己会把头给抬回起来。 因为我们需要氧气,我们需要‘它’来延续我们的生命 :) 一个不小心的念头,把一位简单的他变得复杂。 做得再错,再不好,转个圈回来只因为某些原因。 做每件事都有一个动机。 欺骗,只因为他不想让别人知道一个不可告人的秘密。 或许那会是善意的谎言,但善意的谎言往往是最痛的,最伤感。 因为骗子顾虑了他的感受。 心里会出现阵阵刺痛。然后泪不禁从心里流了出来。 为了人际关系,我们是否应学会退一步海阔天空,互相容忍,就算知道被欺骗了也罢了? 然后告诉自己,他总有他自己的原因。 不停替他找借口,因为不敢相信他就是在撒谎。 他万万没想到他已伤害了一些曾信任他的人类。 一些把他视为好朋友的人类。 他永远都不懂,也分不清,哪些是永远哪些是过客。 当人类知道了被欺骗,自然地就会慢慢远离…… 当他发现这一切,已经太迟了…… 如他珍惜那段感情/友谊,他会觉得后悔。 如没,对他来说只是一堆发霉及发出恶心味道垃圾。 人际关系就是一门难以明白的课程。 我永远都读不懂这一门课程。 只能靠着一天接一天的经历,慢慢地让我读懂这一切。 领悟了家长们所说的“我吃盐多过你吃米”。 时间与地球无时无刻地在转动,我们也应该跟上脚步。 男生遇到问题时会让自己突然消失在地球上,到火星去放松。 男生被分为两类,好与坏。 好的男生会消失一瞬间然后又再一次回到地球上。 但坏男生却是消失后,再也不会回头望一望地球。 让地球慢慢的被吞噬。 某男生的摸样,味道已变得特别的模糊。 我不再记起曾经的我们,曾经的一切。 我败给了时间。 相信了时间会冲淡一切。 到了某女孩的家拜访,看见了她为一位男生写了一篇短文。 怎么有点感觉到,我们好像是同类。 我……好像有点明白你的心情。 两年多了,还是一样会偶尔想起他。 ‘想他顶多只是偶尔’ 因为你真的爱他,放了覆水难收的感情。  我也开始想他了。 我已把污点给磨走了,只剩下那美好的回忆。 我在乎他。 一种莫名的感觉让我想与他诉说,想成为他在乎的朋友。 就是这一种莫名的感觉让我做了一位愚蠢的女孩。 第一次感觉到了,让我透不过气的感觉。哭笑不...


yesterday went to kampar,my dad's home town. so that i skipped my tuition class,arh..miss many lesson :( we went to my uncle's farm...was a super hot day..sweating and wetting my dress. because of the super hot day,my dad decided to rent a room....yipeee..... my uncle's house was hot and no enough place to sleep,so we rent a room which is near by utar. beside that there had a nice view, each room rm138,so cheap. at R floor have swimming pool and gym room. :) Night ,we went to pasar had our dinner,because yesterday was sunday. when we reached,food were habis,this one empty,no enough noodles and so on...   too bad and unlucky ... :( today we went to 'tualan' had our lunch,prawn,fish,crab,oysters.......(seafood) i love it,i love seafood very much. Around three o'clock ,we went home....... this was my kampar's trip . nice to text,nice to cheat,nice to play,nice to chat.... if 'broke' pls be responsible. :)


days by days..... my cousin was coming to celebrate her birthday...happy late birthday,kityee.. :) every night chit chat until morning... so i have two big circle now..damn shit. we ate mcd at one o'clock..i means am ...(become fatty) awoke at one o'clock also(pm) XD we went to one u ,ate bbq plaza. she bought a pair of shoe rm 169.90..expensive sia...(blay) now,where is she(kityee)? singapore :) appeared suddenly,gone suddenly...... where're you? 


first it was bitter, after add some sugar inside,it feel sweet more coffee:)


5.6.2010 we went to QQ,gathering of 5 dahlia.  22 ppl were joining this gathering. nice ya :) we active of this kind activities.XD  i miss you all i miss the time that we chitchat at the 5 dahlia's class...  i'm enjoyed on last night. :) and now i'm sick. :(


Afternoon,went out with hweeyee tan and siying. account is a easy subjects to score. cheer up,my girl :) pls kept quiet ...lets be a silently night. i m waiting your msg...mocha.. : D shhhhhhhhh..... :)