
Showing posts from May, 2012


开学的第一个星期,就忙得不可开交。我的时间表还真的把我给累坏了。 时间都排排得满满的,早上八点到旁晚五点,连续三天。 我也因为这样变乖了,早睡早起。实在太累了,所谓的读大学,大学生。 报告不停地降落在我身上,大家都觉得很烦。 我的新同学,大多数都是‘中国妹妹和黑人哥哥’ 。 我们都无法沟通,我就连哪位是我的同学,我也认不太出。 除了他们,两位从中国来的却把自己打扮成韩国人。 他们还让我知道我们的国家什么东西都可以买的,只要有钱就可以了。 警察看到他们都会哈哈大笑,超开心。 我偶尔也不明白他们的语言,不停的’huh'....搞成笑场。哈哈哈哈...... 我的生活就是忙着上课,报告,和工作。 还有一样那就是我要去旅行。 我的放弃是正确的 别怪我的无情因为 我须把你从我生命 删除,因我不是你 可以潇洒地当朋友 不曾深爱过。


珍惜是怎么一回事呢? 我从某人的身上看见所谓的不珍惜。 他往往不把别人放在心上,就连知己也是一样,当有问题时才说需要人陪,当他快乐时,那知己在何处呢?从不把事情放在心上,说了就算。所有的事情只会用语言带过,说得多么美妙,鸟儿也从树上被骗下来了,好想告诉他,(停下脚步,望望周围的人,不要让他们一个又一个离你而去) 希望他会重视他们/她们的在乎和关心。 没有人义务对你好,没有人义务听你诉苦。 我领悟了,你呢? 我珍惜对我好的人。那你呢? 从现在起珍惜身边的人。

My life

I'm working with samsung, samsung mobile,and yet my fb's fren keep updating... If you asking am i happy right now,my answer will okok luuu ~ :) I worked in ikano,harvey norman fair and i knew one batch new frens. We came out drink,badminton,and met up 3 days non-stop... They all are boys,i think i become boy soon :D I assumed i was so brave,i played badminton with three boys. when the time i rest,my thought made me laugh at myself,how brave i had - hang out with three boys. next day,went to movie with two boys,sakai and ah han.... next day,went buffet with them also.... This is the first time i so close with my colleague,then played tetris with them ,6p.... Tomorrow will be my first day continue my study ,excited? No.... feel super lazy oni. Wish everything will be okay god bless me plsssssss...hehe Hello,mate..... i want to go somewhr travel...near near also can geh...come plan it pls..... hahahah you get wht i mean? are you see-ing this? XD


since tat day i promised myself i do not cry. since tat day i promised myself i need to be strong . since tat day i realised no one here for me. since tat day i pretending tat i'm okay and happy . since tat day i do not believe love . I left you, i gave up.... thanks to let me grown up and realised i'm strong enough. no one will care of your weakness just have to be strong and enjoy ur life... everyone do. Don't tell everyone how sad you have, how pity u are.... The only things they will do is laugh at you, no one will raise u up... this is fact and this is life.... You came and u messed me up and u left and u came to concern me and u left again. What to u want from me....Hurt me ? the only things i have , memories :')


生活意义何在? 重要的是过程,结局只是一个不起眼的家伙。 我们永远都预测不了结局,我们只能等待它的到来。 还没有珍惜这一刻,下一幕的画面就向你招手了。 时间会冲淡一切,无论任何的难题我们都需要时间。 慢慢地我也会忘记我对你的感觉。