
Showing posts from March, 2011

trip of 2011

i was super angry with this trip and i do not enjoy  :( The travel company do not be responsible. how was my face shown as?angry and messed up. i went to macao,zhu hai,guang zhou,fo san,and ....i do not remember. btw,i still have some hapiness to share the salon at zhu hai,Hua nian jie,i like it very much,super pro. i went to wash hair,third stairs have many room, first time wash hair with lay on the bed,after washing,continue with,what a high standard. and cost 35,RM 17 something.(cheap and good service) four stars hotel is provided for us,but i don't think that ,i just felt that was a two stars hotel. what was my breakfast?  tasteless mihun and bao zhi. haiz.thumb down.  temperature at there was 10 degree c.(cold) some of the ppl of china are very rude,one of the guy stepped on my toes,and he did not feel guilty.  they used to fight with mouth(argue)(scold) advice when you hang to china (if you do not want to buy the things pls do no...


雨过天晴 他们的友谊算是告一段落。 这一个段落是个喜事,他们和好了,变成以往那样的朋友。 不了解他们心里想什么,或许心里有一些解不开的东西。 但那位马先生听了他好友的那一番话(肺腑之言)应该被感动了吧? 他是如此的在乎马先生。 而马先生也应为某些事感到十分的内疚,证明了你们彼此是多么的在乎对方。 这才算是真诚的友谊吗?真心的朋友吗? 怎么我有点羡慕马先生有这么一位的好朋友,那么在乎对方的朋友。 好好珍惜你们的友谊呗。 (无论在多远,只要一通电话,我就向你伸出援手) 是多么心动的一句话。 然后补上一句谢谢你。 希望他所说的都是出之于真心。 我会替他们感到开心。 之于我吗?我当然也有好朋友,我珍惜! 你。你。你。还有她。 不用怀疑是谁,大家都有份,以前的,现在的。 对我来说都是那么的重要,毕竟我们都曾经历过。 我十分想念以往。你又如何呢? 让自己静静几分钟,回想我们的过去吧! 上课时的情况,下课,放学,晚上。 我大哭时,我失恋时,我谈恋爱时,我失落时,都是你们填满了我,听我吐‘苦水’。 虽然有很多美好的回忆但也有一小段我们闹得不愉快。 但这就是生活嘛,没得选择对吧? 昨晚随同几位小姐到了夜店,这是我第二次到那边逛逛。 虽然音乐的音量是多么的响亮但这一晚却显得有点静。 某人来了就走进我说了,忘记他吧! 怎么这样却让我想起他,幻想他在夜店的举动。 昨晚的夜店是有点静,也让我看清楚夜店的原貌。 由于害羞的关系,我的身体当然是无力摇摆。 但我却被大家逼去摇动身体,可惜的事,如果我不愿意我怎样都动不了! 就这样完了这一晚的夜生活 :) 李小姐,昨晚或许会是我们最后一晚的夜生活了 :) 希望你的visa申请不成功啊,哈哈。 我会想念你的,我也会去探望你的。 我的生活永远离不开补习,明天又补习了。我的天呀! 曾小姐,侯小姐,我想念你们。 我们虽是朋友但我们却不能如此的熟。

three days

outback steak house,bb plaza :) peiqi's house (swimming pool) desa park city(with baby dog)and it did a very'fish' things. x.x eat-inggggggg :) we over night at peiqi's house.....sunday,monday and tuesday :D sunday night,we went to dsp for dinner and bring baby dog for jog... monday morning,went to tuition,x.x!!!! we felt sleepy and can't concentrated.. because we looked forward to our next station... shoppinggggggggggggggggggggggg :D we went to pavillion,then walked around three hours,then went to steak house,outback! and we created some dialog. A : do you know outback ? B : don't know.... A : why you so low yar and outdated  one?just beside low yat only mar....! i love you,my friends.... cherish every moment. Quote: when you tell yourself you're busy,           you will never have your free time,every things just depand on youself!   i couldn't understand why you want to be like that?you confused me. i ...


When i recall back and saw your status,i pissed on you. why?because you hurt me,and i dunno understand why are u emo and still do not tell the truth. i'm wondering who are you waiting for and why are you always crap at there. you sad because the one you waiting do not be with you,how about me? you put me away,so what m i feeling of?do you realised...? you told me do not care your status,because we're nothing. yeah,i knew,but i'm human....i have feelings. let go and be silent.put it down and say bye bye. conclusion,i can't and i need time. Finally,i have my school holidays soon,within one week. but i think that is enough for us to rest ourself. after the camping,all of us feel like tired,not physically,is mentally. peiqi said i was sleepy.seak moon said i was moody.and me no comment.... And yet,finshed our 'money' test....good jobs,because i fail my genaral paper. WHY? i did not do revision :( but my business2 get a 'excellent' result 46/5...

心,一天比一天的难堪,一天比一天的......... 众人都说时间可以把我们的伤口给疗好,对啦,其实是没错啦。 但是呢,我发觉在疗伤的这一段时间实在是难受也很‘难’‘过’。 时间我们是需要的,但我们却不知道需要多久。 或许一个月,半年,或十年。 陈奕迅的十年。 谁又不希望把那种不愉快的过去给忘了,留下美好的回忆。 但又有多少人做的到呢? 压力更令人透不了气,年纪越来越‘大’,感觉压力就越来越‘大’。 i wish to don't think too much on your words,but realised i can't .... i repeated to read your comment,and few thought have been appeared in my mind. yes,i think that you were fooling me,i can't even trust you. i confused with your sentences,(.....) Howevew, from your status or comments it implied that you are waiting someone. i wonder who are she. i always hope i can ignore it and believe you,but it still distract my mind. i can't concentrate on my study. luckily i still can stuck my study in my brain,this is the things i feel lucky. anyway,i'm okay,i will take my time. ganbateh!!!!!!! To who are suffering,ganbateh toooooooo!!!!!! live as simple as we can,byebye love. laugh as much as we can.....wahahahhahahahahahahahahaha :D everything wi...