yeaterday + today
thx moon and chui sin!(my friend)
accompany me.....
buy skirt,find skirt....
and buy present....
at selayang mall i found the skirt...
and we hv a dinner at there(tom yam)
present (cute bear)
actually is i love that bear!
i buy a thing which i love it!
buy a girl's present for my dear!

celebrate teacher day
to all teacher:
happy teacher day......
you all r the best.......
today be a flower girl
also can say as rubbish girl
cos me and jia en throw a white and red paper!
^^so be a rubbish girl!
today hv make up o!xixi^^
but nv capture o!cos no time@@
when finish throw...
quickly change back my shirt!
cos reli so hot!
then now i become a crazy girl!
let upload some photo!

my partner(jia en[chlodie])
a girl which is nice and tall!
today she was beautiful!
then is me(when finish show)
a stupid look +ugly look
aiyer, reli ugly!wahaha

ugly leh?i nv bluff leh???
upload a photo,
when reach home capture some picture!
this one maybe will nice a bit!^^

this is me(wing)
talk to shally:
thx moon and chui sin!(my friend)
accompany me.....
buy skirt,find skirt....
and buy present....
at selayang mall i found the skirt...
and we hv a dinner at there(tom yam)
present (cute bear)
actually is i love that bear!
i buy a thing which i love it!
buy a girl's present for my dear!

celebrate teacher day
to all teacher:
happy teacher day......
you all r the best.......
today be a flower girl
also can say as rubbish girl
cos me and jia en throw a white and red paper!
^^so be a rubbish girl!
today hv make up o!xixi^^
but nv capture o!cos no time@@
when finish throw...
quickly change back my shirt!
cos reli so hot!
then now i become a crazy girl!
let upload some photo!
my partner(jia en[chlodie])
a girl which is nice and tall!
today she was beautiful!
then is me(when finish show)
a stupid look +ugly look
aiyer, reli ugly!wahaha

ugly leh?i nv bluff leh???
upload a photo,
when reach home capture some picture!
this one maybe will nice a bit!^^
this is me(wing)
talk to shally: