
Showing posts from July, 2010

astro star quest

night everyone and uncle.... i'll write in chinese cos someone dunno chinese...hahaha XD we went to bukit jail for the astro star quest.. had fun at that night.. i'm lazy to write the past thing... conclusion is i 'm happy... :D


First i'm going to tell to all,i'm emoing again :( ts was asking the answer.... sorry,i did'nt have the answer yet.... but,i realized can't wasting your time now. so,i'm going to be a cool-blooded. you're different than others... you seem to be my family,do you know that? you gave me sense of safely, you seem as my brother. you treating me as a princess,bought all the thing that i wanted. Moreover,you changed yourself,because you want to show me you're willing share your money to me. Although money are important to you. in addiction,you may be a loyal husband in future. You're good,i realized,but i'm no ready yet... i need time to digest,but i not telling  you at all. because i unwilling ask you to wait for me. The reason was i 'm still considering...50 over 50. i'm sad,upset,moody.hundred emotions coming to me,sighs...... wish you happy always...sorry,ts,tat's my fault,i know it. i hope we can make it as friend althoug...


最近的我过得很忙碌,是这样吗? 还是我把自己搞的很忙…… 突然发现时间不够用。 二十四小时太少了。我可以要求增加吗? 现在的我坐面对这‘它’,手指却在键盘上动弹不得。 我失去了写作能力。 还是因为某些原因导致我进入这样的状况? 我不想说话。 顿时的我爱上了沉默。 一星期内 成了学长。 过了一个很忙碌加很赶的星期五。16.7.2010 看了despicable me。 过了一个很无奈的星期六。 还是回到‘大树头’喝茶。 见了某某某四天。 对不起,先生。 wing is trying harder to accept. 我不忍心看见你受伤,看见你那低落的表情。 我真的不愿看见你受伤。 我怕了爱,它困恼了我。 现在的你是如此的紧张,如此的好。谢谢 我总在强调没有开始,就不会有结束, 也因为这样我就不会得到任何的背叛。 我和他说一定会有我的原因,或许你们觉得我很残忍。 但事实上是…… (我不懂该如何向你们表达) 对不起。 我不开心。 不要问我为什么,我就是不知道。 让我沉默,好吗? : (

move on

I’ve never understood the reasoning for someone to “move on” from a relationship. It’s not like you’re really going to “move on”, you’re just trying to tell your heart to stop thinking  about that person every second of every minute of everyday  until it finally becomes a routine and you don’t notice it anymore. That is, until you see that person again, with someone who isn’t you, and then you have to remind yourself again. copy from

miles to go

miles to go :) walk the way you like.... 
No regrets at all, i'm high and i hope you catch the fall. The water’s over our hands, what happened to our plans. Swim until i see the sand, then die as soon as i reach the land. I don't need no protection, i don't need your confusion. Don't know what to believe. Don't care what you believe. cause i'm so over you, i'm so over you.


最近都爱往外跑。忘了更新我的家。 一,来谈谈我的学习。 最近我为了经济学疯狂。 我宣布我快要投降了。 那位老师真厉害,把我搞成有点白痴似的。 每天上经济学时,都发出无数的问号。 问号加感叹号,上得我快进入梦中了。 他给了一些练习,全班居然交白卷。 结果他居然说到了,如果不能,你们请drop掉。 我真的很想骂,还不是因为你的问题。 回到家,我为了经济而疯狂。 结果以一面短短的方程式就明白了所有。 很想告诉他,真是白费了你的口水。 就算你怎样解释我们都是问号。 其他的科目还过得蛮顺利的。请持续下去…… 我的生活。 最近的我缺乏睡眠,成为了‘国宝’。 补习,上课,喝茶,逛街,温习,功课。 满满的挤进了我的时间表里。 有点透不过起的感觉。 星期三晚,驾车到cheras的夜市。 谢谢那位车主把他的车让给我驾。 我佩服你的勇气,我爸都不敢。 你却好像毫无紧张的让出你车让我驾。 我从没试过驾车without我家长。 就在星期三晚,我尝试过了:) 感觉还不错,载了几位小姐们,我们就出发到cheras. 谢谢,车主。 偶尔的你是多么的真实,但偶尔的你却是虚伪的很。 我看不透,也不想透…… 如果那只是纯粹的朋友,那该多好。 某天晚上,失踪的人士突然浮现了。 我的天呀……吓坏我了,以为发生了什么事。 我很想再告诉你说,我要看卡通片。 因为你大概会陪我去看。 请说我幼稚,我爱卡通。 男孩 那男孩是多么的斤斤计较,但对女友却大方的很。 我会大声的说他是好男孩。 那男孩是多么的大方,但一起后却………… 我会立刻晕倒。 那男孩对女友多么的体贴,但一星期后就立刻换脸。 我会看扁你。 那男孩有数不尽的女孩,不仅觉得自己很厉害。 我会说你错了,我恨死你。 那男孩说了谎,还用某谎言来圆第一谎言。 我会看不起,讨厌你。 那男孩以谎言来承认自己说谎了。 我会说你很没品。 男孩就是一类很恐怖的动物。 比蛇还恐怖。


Trouble will find you no matter where r you. no matter you're fast or you're slow. it still around you....... trouble :(