my eyes are itchy.
Showing posts from November, 2010
the one who i love
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the one who i love( tyj ) the one who tell me not to give up easily with him,and yes,i did it. i never give up with him : ( but he gave up with me. i did it.but not the best i think,but i really tried hardly. i just want to be with you,and want you to be happy. today,30.11.2010, 1:32:10 pm. he told me that i'm not suitable in the realtionship. and we ended up this realtionship today....30.11.2010 how long we been together,hmmmm,including today,okay? 9.8.2010 until 30.11.2010 (113 days) nthing to regret nothing to sad nothing to moody,nothing to cry. i should be happy and smile,cos he love my smile. yes,xinying is smiling and tearing... we had many memories,few months but...yes,we did it. i'm happy to be with you. sorry,tan yoke jong,i know you're stressful,shouldn't argue with you,but sometimes i couldn't bear it. hmm,did i tell you i love bboy?because of you i try to love the things you love. i got a bad temper...sorryyyy,i know i'm burden f...
i never told you
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I miss those 'black' eyes How you kiss me at night I miss the way we sleep Like there's no sunrise Like the taste of your smile I miss the way we breathe But I never told you What I should have said No, I never told you I just held it in And now, I miss everything about you Can't believe that I still want you And after all the things we've been through I miss everything about you without you I see your blue eyes Everytime I close mine You make it hard to see Where I belong to When I'm not around you It's like I'm alone with me But I never told you What I should have said No, I never told you I just held it in And now, I miss everything about you Can't believe that I still want you And after all the things we've been through I miss everything about you Without you But I never told you What I should have said No, I never told you I just held it in And now, I miss everything about you Can't believe that I st...
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当一个什么都说上无所谓的人会开心些吗? 应该会,但是却知道那种酸是不停地流动在五脏内。 酸得让人麻痹,酸得让人困了。 一篇感性文章的诞生是因为心里被一些无名的东西给静压着,无声。但那却是痛。 我好爱自问自答,是必要地修辞法。这让文章变得漂亮极了。 其实啊,我觉得自己像是白痴多点,但却爱这样做,矛盾。 我厌倦了你。 虚伪毙了,聊起时,我真的觉得我讨厌你了。 你到底是个什么人啊?心计?往往存在你的记忆卡内,你也设了密码,从此不会消失吧。 我恨,我讨厌。 对不起,小姐,你的生日过得那么不愉快。很抱歉。 或许我语言加了少许的调味料,但并不多,真的只是少许的,我不可能把话说得一模一样。但重点却在那,对不起,我知道我的偏见有点过分,我也不希望它的出现。唉~其实心里不好受。我也觉得自己越来越虚伪,讨厌却装不所谓,还可以有说有笑。其实我对她没什么,朋友始终是,但却不是那样的(粘)了。失望透顶。 小姐,你是与众不同,谢谢你把我当XXX看待。当然我也是。 雯与琪,想念你们。 你们的慰问,谢谢你们。尤其是琪,这傻婆啊…… 别担心,我很好。 以后你们就逃不掉了,当我有事我会粘住你们。 谢谢,我的心态是开心与感激。 因为........当我们毕业时我再告诉你们。 我突然很怕毕业的来临。 雯,明天开工,加油。如果可以,我会尽力陪你吃午餐。 别担心,你不是外星人,他们不会一直望着你。 除了他们,我没试过和别人聊上十五分钟。 今天却第一次和你聊了整二十分钟,突然有种情切的感觉。 终结是,谢谢你们。 我会永远的记得你们。
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this is a place which is nice and naturally.... it close to environment....the green are all around us. i love green :D we(jong and my family)went there to take our one day trip :) we ate seafood for our dinner. while eating,got a incident. ohmygod,we saw a .....(i also dunno what's that)hiding and swimming in the river.(then hilang) after finshed dinner,we went to kuala selangor,to 'visit' the firefiles.... you know sampan????? we took the sampan on the river which is dirty,full of rubbish. water pollution!!!!!!arhhhhh....environment have been destroy by 'us'. the sampan was scary me actually....tanyokejong is heavy and me....slim XD unbalanced,you know...i'm scared about the sampan will capsize. lets come back to firefiles....WOW!Amazing... the firefiles was 'standing' on the tree. It seems like a christmas tree there...a darkly night with a christmas tree.... romantically....ahahahaha! but pls don't consider to bring your partner there,cos many mo...
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我..................有点读不懂你的心。 你..................开始变得很陌生,恐惧慢慢地找上了我。 那种泪撒满‘街’的感觉又重会了。 这种难受真的难以理解,也述说不了。 我再也不想用那美妙的字眼把‘它’描述的像一幅画。 这是痛,是非常痛的感觉。 就是心痛了。 时间飞越,明天我们就一起三个月了。 说短不短,说长更不必提,比起老夫老妻我们还是小儿科呢! 就这么短短的日子,怎么我却觉得很长了。 我们去过了新加坡,我们一起去参加mini olimpik,我们去过了.....我们一起..... 满满的回忆塞满了我的脑子。 一个开心的回忆。谢谢你的疼爱。 但 最近安全感慢慢离远我了,不懂如何形容那种不安。 应该这样说吧,最近变得爱流泪,写着写着,眼泪在脸颊上画了两行。 酸酸的液体也滑流在那伤口。 这种情况真的令人厌倦,我恨也害怕。 我再也不知道如何去控制这样的情况。 因为怕过了,痛过了,怕地想把自己的身体曲卷起来。 怎么我感觉不到之前的你了呢? 怎么你变了呢? 怎么我觉得痛了呢? 怎么我伤心了呢? 怎么你的紧张飞走了呢? 怎么我不认识你了呢? 怎么我觉得害怕了呢? 怎么了?怎么了? 男生就是这样吗?总爱追求新鲜吗? 爱过了,腻了,然后就把女孩丢在一旁。 一个不起眼也讨人厌的角落。 是这样吗?真的是这样? 男孩请回答我.....有人在这吗?有人会回应我吗? T.T 3: 22 pm (if you like someone else pls tell me.i'll give up but still love u :)) 怎么了,陈学勇? 心楸了一下,我们俩有问题了吗? iloveyou,tanyokejong .