
Showing posts from April, 2010


Pass my driving test,but then i unable to drive... sying u r right,i m waiting some one to fetch me,haha. wednesday went to Taman Connaught,pasar malam. actually i no reli like to go,because there is 'HOT'. if no idea for buying,i won't go there again,arh...=.= finally we went to a cafe,name"FUN OK Cafe"(返屋企) we sat on the bed and sofa...there reli like a house... our table is a washer...good surrounding feeling =) i went to washroom, decide came out,but too late,ppl were waiting outside...shame because something scared me and eunis,my god,behind the door got two fake hands... Funny wednesday night Friday took my 'lesen' ,and drive dad's car...=) Night, went to Sri petaling meet cui sin.... we ignored the security guard ,never took the pass,straight went in cui sin's house. On highway ,Eunis scared our... Noisy become silent,because we was nervous.... the stupid waja was close to our car... siying told me she was closing her ey...

pass and instability

Passssssssssssssssssssss    my driving test! knew some new friend,from kb school.  talk,laugh,complain,said bad things about perverted guy..... 12 of us,more than half ppl get pass : ) congratulation! mayyee dun be tight,take it can do tat . At this moment i found tat,i hate you. may i believe what you said be4....? your excuse is stress of working.... when i remember someone,(stress of study) At the end,he knew that just a Lie.... i m judging i have the same situation with him....  i sincerely hope tat is a truth,not a excuse! i m telling myself tat just a lie, i be prepared it. for reduce painful... poor girls : ( WE are friend learning with my friend,say bye to "U" sometime you lost in my heart sometime you appear  sometime i love you sometime i hate you sometime i miss you sometime i not Instability


想哭,哭不出 想说,说不出 想笑,笑不出 想骂,骂不出 这样的心情真的很难受…… 我保持沉默了一整夜,就像那时学车的时候,不说话,没表情…… 就连学车uncle也问发生什么事?我说没事,另加请你别那么吵! 只望着窗外的水滴和地上 ,在车上一句话也没说,练习时错误百出! 原因是因为我做不到我所要求的程度吗? 处女座都爱十全十美吗?也因为这样我不停的刁难自己吗? 这称为心情低落吗? 这一次又什么原因导致我这样呢? 害怕这种可怕的感觉,因为这感觉会导致我灵魂飘走! 心里很闷…… 就连写篇文章都写不出…… 心里百感交集……我没心情


星期六晚,我们特地到tropicana city买三张票,(初恋红豆冰) 然后到ss2喝茶! 只能说我们三位太得空了 =) 我带她们到 kayu mamak吃roti tissue..... 当我order时,那个侍应还问我(你一个人吃吗?) 我当场笑,然后说(当然不是,三个啦) 我和他成了笑场,我们三位小姐还喝了5杯limau ice,一杯teh ice! 十二点前安全抵达我的安乐窝! 星期日,我们约好两点半! 今天eunis很准时,没迟到 =) 我们三位路痴,走错路,然后不知不觉我又把我们带到了目的地,真是个惊险的路途! 三点半入场,我们抵达戏院门口刚好二十多分! 呆在戏院里一小时四十五分,但我们却觉得很久! 原因是………………=) 过后我们到处走走,进入一间某牌的衣服店! 试衣服,本想只是玩而已,结果我的钱包还是出血了…… 我买了,eunis 也买了…… 大约七点多我们就各自回家吃晚餐=) 回到家时发觉(试时很喜欢,买了却很奇怪)  很后悔为什么自己不是选那条裙子…… Eunis,送给我当生日礼物吧,哈哈 =D I feel that  no pain in my heart i won't cry anymore but i still will miss you!




Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it. pls dun say YOU LOVE ME ,don't waste my time! When i said i love you,tat mean i really mean it! Boy is a magical creature, you can lock him out of your 'workshop', but you can’t lock him out of your heart.  You can get him out of your study, but you can’t get him out of your mind. it was hurt,my dear friend....... Relationships are like glass.  Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than  try to hurt yourself putting it back together. so i decided leave 'IT' broken.... Doesn't mean u r weak always when u r leaving, sometime it show you r strong enough to let go!=( We takes a minute to like someone, but to forget someone should takes a life time!pity becos 'IT' already key in to my mind my memories........=) 

party time =)

PARTY venue : De pastry chef time : 7.00 o'clock sharp (but we late) This will be a great day for us.... but then the shop's rules is quite ........haiz We took many picture at there.... picture ,picture and picture..... i saw a guy,my primary schoolmate,but i can't recognize.... m i saw him be4....?hahaha XD After 10.30 pm,we went to desa park city for nothing = =! bored lar men.... after few minute we change a place! we went to a shop(dunno what name) played card at there,drank beer...(not me ) three of the guys was unlucky....haha XD one o'clock reached home.... =)



: )

: ) smile always...




今夜的我,想你了………… 多想信息你,但却害怕不回信的你…… 多想告诉你,但却害怕不理解的你…… 多想了解事实,但知道那是不可能… ————————————————————— 怎么我们成为了‘敌人’? 偶尔还会去查探军情! 和平撤退不好吗? 好一句死的不明不白,一封很长的战书发出了! 对方不给任何的表示,直接开战,连谈判的力气都省了! 有一股想让对方后悔开战的冲动,但我知道对方不会! 原因出自于“感觉” ———————————————————— 别来挑战我的忍耐度,可是有限的! 大牌的人类请远离我,不要害怕不好意思而不敢拒绝! 这只会让我觉得你耍大牌! ———————————————————— 十一日(晴) 飙车不再是男人的权利,因为我与姐妹们做了同样的东西! 三辆车在马路上飙了起来,欺负刚拿牌照的小姐! 小姐你可真乖,我以后也要像你一样,但却不想被欺负! 之前对“你们”的责怪,真的很抱歉! 领悟那种痛快的感受,一个字(赞)! 的确是危险,但大家却不理会! 任周围的陌生人误会我们就是(流氓)! 无知的管理员令我们成为(流氓),别欺负青少年! 我们可是不好惹,我们可是冲动派的代表! 一小时内,游了市区,灯光内散发出(欢迎光临) 时间不允许我们这样做,因为我们是时候回家报道了!  十二点正踏进家门,安全抵达!  _____________________________________________ 十二日(晴) 下午一时,到了midvallery的某个角落的大夏见工! 二十四楼是我们的目的地,eunis和我傻呼呼地上了去! 那真是一间大公司,电视画面所播的公司! 我爱那里的环境,舒适的办公楼! 18年,人生第一次踏进这样子的办公楼,不仅向自己说(长大了) 面试分为两次,第二次应该会很恐怖…… 一句名言(船到桥头自然直) 我过不了不读书的自己,所以我还会继续求学! 那里的福利,薪水都符合我的要求! 但我还是会放弃,或许几年后我会再来应征! 挑战是我的爱好之一,我不会让自己平平凡凡的过一辈子! 为自己的生活而奋斗,出发吧,朋友们! —————————————————————————————— 炎热的天气逼我不停的洗澡 无知的人让我恨之入骨 负心的人我...


现在的生活就如小马说的(见到你都闷啊) 有事没事的,一通电话,就见面了! 我连续几天都遇你们相见,结果我们就会说一句(yor,闷,又是你!) 怎么以前的我们却不会这样说呢?还不是天天在学校见面! 现在不一样的是(衣服,鞋子,场面) 懒散的我没找工作,天天待在家里发霉! 不然就天天出街,喝茶,逛街,聊天! 这就是我现在的生活…… 今天两位小姐在我家逗留了一整个下午! 然后到jusco问电话台的事情,结果却是买了一架相机! 小马买了一架相机,说真的他实在厉害! 下次买东西时一定要带他去,一定不会吃亏! 然后到old town吃东西,小马亮出他的相机! 这里拍那里拍,调来调去,一碗椰浆饭被拍了好几张! 总结这相机不错,只要我们会用…… 然后某位先生突然信息eunis,就这样我们就聚在一起了! 几百年没见过他了,一见面还是像以往,不停的聊! 告诉我们他到台湾的事情,搞得我很想去呢! 付钱时,他说了我听不明白的字眼,头脑只出现问号! 由于我们要搞派对,他带我们去他做工的地方,其实是很不错的提议! 在车上,还是一样不停的聊天,一句话(你真行) 一点陌生的感觉都没有! 最后我还是乖乖的,十二点前回家!   要就要,不要就不要!


Ok right now...? early morning i send him a msg... a long Msg.... will him reply me,for my way u won't....! last night i heard a news from some one.... tat was hurt ,tat was sad... what is my strengths?tat is camouflage.... i m acting when chat with you,actually my tears was falling down! u said i m cheerful, will be ok! actually my heart quite painful.... Finally i know we r not the same..... My final decision was we nid hv a break between us! whether we r not feel with each other,but y u treating me like your enemy? huh.....?what's wrong .... i think we r not even friend!sigh.......... thanks for your inform,let me know more about him! we r single ladies...




I'll be the mommy and you can be the daddy. by «mckenzie» on


=) Actually i m ok right now... won't think too much for the rubbish thing.... just face the problem..or just ignore it! i be accustomed to the present day  no msg... no call... no concern... when night  gave A msg to him.... This method can get along for how long? 4.4.2010  i received a msg from him,what was the point for tat msg... ask me give up,or argue with me .....?confusing.... m i thinking too much....? i replied a long msg to him! y does i don't replied (what do u think?) what problem we r facing now? last question (will u reply me A msg?)  maybe we nid give a break .... continue or game over,depend on you..... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yesterday went to k room.... had fun with two ladies....(Chloe and Eunis) they danced and sang at k room... =D after tat went to Eunis's house then i wear my con... YOR,quite uncomfortable...but  i just ignore it! Chloe be a makeup artist,helped me...

cheer up

Three ladies alive in a worst life now! one of them,A ladies broke up with her loving bf,teacher! that ladies kept cried,and felt sad.... actually i also felt sad when i saw that... but what can i do for her?comfort? scolded? no idea for me....=( i willing crying with u,but so sorry my treas not willing come out! sigh............ just oni can tell u time will cover the " hurt "! MY ladies pls be patient! this is our inevitable journey! THIS WHAT WE CALL AS MEMORY.... cheer up,Three ladies.......=)  YEAH......WUHOO  =D WILL BE ALRIGHT