
Showing posts from May, 2010

happy go lucky

Happy go LUCKY. Today went to jusco had a movie time. pinky,me,shally,lai mei and jessica. after finish the movie time,we were dine out. chilliiiiiiii king..........oh my gosh..... we ordered garlic and lime steam fish,tom yam soup and vegetable. (such as having dinner with my family.= = ) The amount was rm100,damn expensive. but we have a fun's time at there.   * Second funny thing was occur on the driving time. shally driving manual's car.She can't control well on clutch...  hahahahaha XD End of  28510 


密码。 我变得善忘 我变成老人 我试着把任何一个号码给记上 但我发觉我失败了。 我试着用不同的方式把它给记起,然后闯进面子书。 但却还是一样做不到。 因为我已没那种胆量让自己往前冲。 现在,我试着停下脚步,然后看一看四周围。 过后利用简单的方法解决,就是承认自己把密码给忘了。 然后在某字眼上轻轻地按一按。就搞定了。 密码,就算再怎样努力尝试把它‘打败’到最后也只能得到一个字(“吉”)。 某天我到了某人的家走走,看了一篇文章。 我多么希望你们能知道我们都有同感。 或许你或你知道我在说谁,那只能证明你们也这样认为。 我不再对你存着一份真心真意的情感。 我不再信任你。 我一度的试着要找你,但另一个我已在我还没出手前挡住我了。 我又一度地退回下来。 心里的挣扎令我感到无限的矛盾。


陈小姐,我没有偷懒,是很累了。 我没上瘾,因为……。 如果地方再大一点,冷一点,舒服一点,或许我会爱,但不至于上瘾。 但我却对民歌餐厅…………上瘾了。 :) 继续述说我家小姐的生日派对。 星期六,五月二十二日, chloe 的破蛋日。 她家的先生很努力地为她筹办生日派对。 我们也有不少功劳。  :) 二十朵玫瑰加一个特大的蛋糕,还有某名牌的钱包。 chloe 铁定感动加开心吧。(有那颗心就好嘛) 九点在一间民歌餐厅集合,然后要给 chloe 一副美好的回忆。 我和eunis是有点忙的,跑进跑出,很佩服我们说谎的技巧,或许有点失误。 在生日播出的前一分钟,我和店员们都在眼神交流,五四三二一。 祝你生日快乐。 礼物和玫瑰送到chloe面前。大家跟着节拍为寿星女唱生日歌及拍手。 她成为了全场的‘重点’。所有的眼神瞩目在 chloe 的身上。 :) 再一次祝你生日快乐。 有意义的礼物。 然后我们赶到下一场,maison . 严厉的规矩,阻挡了我们前进。 (所有女孩请出示您的证件,无论老还是少。) 未满十八的我,在门口烦了一小时。 大肥佬别摆架子,好吗? 结果还是因为某某帮助的情况下,我顺利进入。 那里的情况有点让我接受不了。 一片漆黑,看不到任何东西,人物,没安全感。 两个字(救命) 音响在我耳边环绕,然后到楼上去。 楼梯真的难倒我了,我完全看不到阶梯。 还一度地踏错阶梯,滑了一跤。 原因只是我真的看不见,请你们别吓倒。 到 dance floor 那,摇了一小时多,我完全不在状况内。 漆黑,放空,热,很挤。这就是我的结论。 很庆幸的,我的前后方的男孩们都很乖,或许是因为我的穿着。:) 大约三点,我们终于离开了。 然后到spicy喝茶,约四时才回到 chloe's home. 家在这时候与天堂没任何差别。 累倒了我们四位小姐,但还是一样聊天聊到早晨六时。 大约早上八时,还被 chloe's parents 叫醒,到某酒楼吃点心。 终结就是维棋,生日快乐。

chloe's birthday

to be con........ :)


现在的心情该如何形容呢? 刚在面子书说了(i'm missing you but does'nt mean i love you) 怎么现在的心情如此的低落? 是因为那优美的钢琴声吗?九士巴仙是,我肯定的说。 听着抒情的钢琴声,撩开了我那低落的心情。 有一股想哭的心情,因为这一股心情,我的手指不停在键盘上跳动。 甚至抛开我手上该完成的功课。 入学不到一个月,居然要presentation了。 这值得开心?还是不幸? 突然的我,多么想抛开所有然后躺在无边的草地上。 我要的是无忧无虑啊! 很肯定的说,我有压力。 不停担心未来的事,该怎样面对。 功课,演讲,活动,考试,都在排队等着我去领它们。 我承认自己偶尔有点神经质。也是一位问题少年。 今天上经济学时,十一位学生内,只有我一位不明白 (penawaran terhad) 结果把身边的同学也搞乱了。很抱歉。 最近我班有一位学生,可以列为天生聪明吗?可以。 基础,天资都比我们任何一位好。 不需要特别的努力但却能比我们任何一位好。 我把她列为我的目标,我要突破。 今天和叶先生聊天,发觉了每对情侣地相处方法都不一样。 其实我很告诉你,你有点自私,哈哈。 我不打算改变你的观念,因为你是一位很难说服的先生。 从不懂何时开始,我已不再要那种相处方法了。 也或许因为一次又一次地经验告诉我,我得‘宽容’。 但现在的我却发现是‘感觉’的问题。 昨晚和黄先生有个联系,他居然主动信息我,真是一个‘奇景’啊。 聊了一些有的没有的,简称废话,值得令我高兴的是,我们俩成为朋友了。 明天,三位小姐们约同到市区。 李小姐要考试,陈小姐要面试,黄小姐应该是当佣人,多余的家伙。 搞到我也想翘课。但我知道只是mission impossible.不可能。 明天十二点多放学,我要到我外婆家去看我的‘肥福’。 一只很可爱的狗,却被称为这样的名字,很搞笑。真是多谢它的主人啊。 但它却是非常的‘渺小’及可爱。我爱上它那滚动的大眼睛。 昨晚带它到宠物店,结果在一路上它成为了‘万众之迷’。 保安叔叔也不放过它,还让我和它一起合照。 巧幸的我,还遇到了‘佳恩’。  最后三位小姐也到那把我接走了。 我的生活就是那样无趣加充实。 很矛盾的配搭吧?因为我就是那么的矛盾。 :)

life quotes

        Just remember, the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine, remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: Continued on page whatever. No matter how careful you are, there's going to be the sense you missed something, the collapsed feeling under your skin that you didn't experience it all. There's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention. Well, get used to that feeling. That's how your whole life will feel some day. This is all practice. None of this matters. We're just warming up.            


i can't accepted what you said to me... Arh......unbelievable and impossible. when i woke up in this morning,i hope that i dunno everything. The more i know,the more i  hurt... i get hurt because i feel disappointed to you if that is a truth,how can be friend again? if that is a truth, i will crying as a baby. if that is a truth, pls apologize to us.i'll forgive you. if that is a truth ,i'll mad because of your action. we r trying to help you,you know??? pls ,just let it go on....give them freedom. pls accept what opinion we gave. i hope i can believe ,you know, i can't do any decision. you know, i m confusing. i'm doubting you,i feel sorry for you. :( i hope i dunno everything. i hope tat not a fact. i hope tat just a mistake. let it go as easy as what i think. i know you not a baddie as they think. baddie only appear in a television program because it is a part thump up by human. i feel upset. :(


Time changed everything.  i nid to be more hard for study. i can't speak well in english. i'm not good in english. how can i handle  'MUET'? i'm afraid and worry,who know? :(  i feel inferior.  T.T

it's over now

it's over now :) Today,teacher gave a paper to us,he wants us to copy sentences which r on the whiteboard. i felt bored with that,and keep blaming,becos he nid us to fill personal information.10 more question tat we nid to fill it,like a primary student.sigh....after tat,he let us pass up on spot,i do not know how to answer .We still a new student,he nid us to give comment ,such as teacher,student,class,environment and friends,was a weird teacher and question...Admitted it,wing is a bad student,few answer tat i gave  (no comment or i dunno.) The weird teacher,he teach us eko 2.after tat,he called our name,one by one,asked (r u sure to stay in PRA-U,sure ?sure?sure?)@@ those of us answer was ya/yes/or just gave teacher a nod.Then teacher told us some lesson,[forget the past's thing ],be concentration in PRA-U. (when u come in to the class pls dun leave your heart in outside,take it in pls.) He gave a lesson's speech to us.actually i m bored with it,prefer the teacher teach...

从来不愿在这一‘家’提起你的点点滴滴,把一切都埋藏起来。 今天的我改变思维了,让这一‘家’有一篇关于你的消息。 自从开学那天起,我得到了一个结论。 这或许是一个非常好的结论,再过几十年或许我会向你致谢。 因为你,我读懂了一些道理。 因为你,我看懂了一些事情。 因为你,我了解了所谓的永远。 因为你,我懂得了想念。 因为你,我让自己爱上了你爱的东西。 因为你,我爱上了mad world. 因为你,我也把爱给弄的模糊了。 我不再了解什么被称为爱,只晓得那是一种说不明的感觉。 一度地埋怨你的不是,但怨却在我不经意的时候,已离我远去。 为什么你那么介意我是否恨你呢? 如果我恨你,你会比较舒服吗?还是另有原因呢? 恨不可能成为永远,所以恨也很快离开了我。 气愤的时候难免会把恨和怨给找回来。 但不懂从那一刻起,我已不再找它们了。 我在想你,你晓得吗? 你不晓得这一切。 我不愿让你知道。 别担心,我早已把你列为朋友,只是偶尔想你。 对你有不明的感觉,是自己在作祟。 所以我会负责这一切。 我愿在这诉说一切,因为我得到了结论。 这结论由你发出,我接受了。 或许已迟了,但我应该还赶得上。 偶尔的低落,让我不知所措。 偶尔的想念,让我更想念你。 偶尔的愤怒,早已离我远去。 我不停渴望那种不明的感觉赶快离我而去。 因为我不想拥有它,让我无时无刻的感到低落。 也让你不停浮现在我脑海里。 小姐们,我早已踏出门外,现在的我已把门给锁上了。 让微笑带过这一切,潇洒地向一切说再见,后续说我会记得你。 毕竟那只是一段年少时的回忆 。 应向未来说‘欢迎您’。 只是我的猜测。 或许某天你的她会到这‘家’。 请她放心,因为我已锁起了。 愿你的生活多姿多彩。 :) 后记 moon ,那是你无法控制的情绪。 我换系了,换去商业系。 下星期,要搭车到茨场街补习了。 又开始打战了,救命。


Today went to school with some nervous and worry..... As usual,phone was inside my pocket :) called yuan heng when reached there,a teacher was beside me...  DON'T CARE...i think he won't rampas my phone... when i meet yuan heng,we go to a XXX hall.(lupa nama) few minute ago,someone was appearing....CHIN WEI omg,y he was here?it felt surprise... after tat,pei pei,yew.....reached :) reported myself to the form teacher... as usual,we like to chitchat....noisy at there... when 9.55,we have a break,we went to canteen... it felt stranger....sigh.... we walk around the school to adapt school's environment... BUT i think tat was failed... in our mind,smkm still is our school... I miss smkm... :( after tat,we had a ice breaking.... we played game at there.... my name is ying Y=young I=intelligent N=normal G =gentle the chin wei was great.. N=nevermind W=whatever was a funny sentences... then played another game,used nine stick to become ten...IQ the las...


What the........finally i know we r different. DIFFERENT WORLD i can't believe what u done just now... i can't accept some action you did... i can't ,i can't and i can't.... i get angry for tat,becos i beh tahan.... what m i thinking ,(childish...) i know i m bad,i despise 'you' all.... maybe tat not despise,just............. i dunno how to describe the feeling...  i really TAK SUKA when i reached home,i called moon and said some @#@$%@%. sorry my friend,but i reli beh tahan..... sorry ,i know tat is my problem...sigh.... actually i hate myself when i had that feeling. Today went out with eunis and moon... some topic let me and moon be excited.... hahahaha...eunis's wedding party. clothes,shoes,make up,hair style,$$$,nail art.... Dreaming time  i m suffering now,science or art? sigh,i can't decide out my own decision... science ?art?arh........ In the end what should i choose?  i m soon to study, from six.  :) + :( = ???  


They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same, but I don't think it's possible for you to miss me as much as . I'm missing you right now  : )  


那一晚的晚餐实在贵(对没收入的我来说) 几位男孩,女孩到了 sunway 享用我们的晚餐 yee,eunis 和我在购物场内迷路了, funny …… 走了很久还是一样找不到,因为那餐厅躲在一条走廊内…… 可怜我们三位,最终那位主办者还是出来带我们 那里的坏境很美,华丽加无敌风景 但女孩们还是选择了有空调的地方  享用完毕,我们在那乱逛…… 最后我们做了一个决定就是到‘图书馆’喝杯饮料 =) 七位男孩和女孩,走了进去,在 happy hour 的时间内点了啤酒…… 有两位女孩要来找我们,但是她们实在太聪明了,(找不到)= = 大约十二点,我安全到家了  我要开学了  : )


Seriously say ( i hate driving ) my parents keep scolding me,walao er.... blaming on me,aduh,tat not my false... how i know the car will suddenly came out... i m in straight road ,the stupid driver should be more attention ok? wtf,reverse no nid c behind hv car passing ano ? more than few cm,then i will boom your car... scared me also....damn it = =


月亮小姐星期一正式上班了,恭喜她长大了 =) 为了买上班族该穿的衣服,我们到了时代广场逛街…… 陆,陈,月亮和我,一点多出发,大概两点半到那里…… 我们有坐了一趟免费的过山车,谢谢陈小姐. 我们三步并作两步的赶到麦当娜叔叔的‘家’,只见那很多个‘人头’! 我们盯上了某个空位,结果被所谓的中东人给抢了,没礼貌 只好转移目标,盯上了‘她们’,她们也很好心的让位给我们,谢了 结束我们的早餐后,开始我们的‘血拼’! ‘不男不女’请不要欺负我们,不要用那种语气对我们,或许你无意,但我已经认定了你有意! 钱包大大出血,可怜我的钱包…… 我买了三套衣加一条腰带。我的天呀,早知不去,那就不会乱花钱了…… 这就是女生……   多久没用上你了,今天碰上了你,但我却措手不及…… 把你给搞糟了,失败……= ( 我发觉对你是那么的陌生,我们俩生疏了…… 就这样我们不再联络 就这样我们变得生疏 就这样我们失去联络 就这样我们变得陌生 就这样…… 就这样…… 我应该接受事实,我们结束了很久。 再多的眷恋已成了废物 我过得开心,我不痛,但我确实想你…… 或许你早已深深地烙在我心里 让他成为回忆